Warhammer AoS | Destruction Battletome - Sons of Behemat | Faction Book
The titanic Sons of Behemat have might enough to throttle dragons, barge down castle walls, and tear elder oaks from the ground. When they attack as a tribe, they become unstoppable, stamping the enemy’s infantry flat and pummeling rival monsters to death. Any who oppose their rule are battered with hurled boulders before the gargants charge in, each towering hulk roaring in savage triumph as he seizes victory through brute force and ignorance.
Battletome: Sons of Behemat is your guide to Warhammer Age of Sigmar's biggest army – a force like no other where GARGANTS are your troops and EVEN BIGGER GARGANTS lead them to battle! In this tome of knowledge, you'll discover the hidden history of Gargants in the Mortal Realms, from their origins with the godbeast Behemat to their work as mercenaries with the Grand Alliances. Stunning art brings the world of the Sons of Behemat to life, helping to inspire your own collection! When you're ready to field an army of your own, stunning miniatures photography, conversion guides, and painting tips are included to help you out. Meanwhile, rules for a variety of gargant tribes let you customize your army, or even include a Mega-Gargant in any force, whether you owe your allegiance to Death, Destruction, Chaos, or Order!
This 80-page hardback battletome contains:
- A history of the Sons of Behemat, including the epic deeds of their forefather, the godbeast Behemat
- Painting guidance on skin tones and color schemes within the gargant race
- Allegiance abilities for the Sons of Behemat, including additional rules for Stomper Tribes, Taker Tribes, and Breaker Tribes
- Includes rules for Mega-Gargant Mercenaries – enabling any Warhammer Age of Sigmar player to use Mega-Gargants in their armies
- Warscrolls and Pitched Battle Profiles for every miniature in the Sons of Behemat range