Junk Orbit | Board Game
SPACE! The Final Junk Yard.
Age: 10+ Players: 2-5 Time: 30+ min
Good thing one planet's trash is another planet's treasure! In Junk Orbit, you're captain of your own scavenger ship, picking up space junk and transporting it to any city that will take it. Launch your junk ... uh, *cargo* ... out of your airlock to propel your ship! Race to deliver your cargo as you navigate the orbits of nearby planets and moons! It's astrodynamics for fun and profit!
Each player has their own ship with a unique ship power that breaks the rules above in some way. The end of the game is triggered when a city cannot be refilled because its stack is empty. When this happens, every player gets one final turn, then players tally the values from all of their delivered junk tiles, and whoever has the highest total wins.