Weird War I: War Master's Screen + Raid on Fort Douaumont
Raid on Fort Douaumont is an exciting mix of action, warfare, and horror by Eddy Webb and the mysterious Teller.
Your heroes are French infantrymen who meet Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, battle ancient evils, and lead their section into the blasted remains of Fort Douaumont itself! It’s a creepy tale of wartime horror that should challenge even the most gallant soldier.
Requires Savage Worlds core rules, the Weird War I War Master's Handbook and the Weird War I Player’s Guide setting books to play.
Weird War I is part of Pinnacle Entertainment Group’s Weird Wars series. The Twilight Legion has so far marched across the battlefields of Rome, Vietnam, and World War II. Now intrepid soldiers, sailors, airmen, and even civilians must endure the mud and trenches of what would become known as World War I.