Weird Wars: Rome | Nox Germanic Adventure | Savage Worlds RPG
The dark, dripping forests of Germania have long been a source of mystery and fear for Rome. These trackless lands and their barbaric inhabitants present an environment unlike anything else in the Known World. From the time of Julius Caesar, Germania has resisted the best efforts of Rome to bring the light of civilization to its benighted lands.
Our legionaries now find themselves on the Limes Germanicus, a system of walls, ditches, and watch towers designed to keep watch over the angry, gathering barbarians. But are the Germans simply resisting Roman rule? Or is there something more sinister lurking the dark forests beyond?
Nox Germanica is a full-length adventure for Weird Wars Rome. Besides a tale of adventure, horror, and mystery in Germanica, it also includes designs for a Roman castrum.
Savage Worlds and Weird Wars Rome are required for play.